Thursday, June 25, 2009

Today is a better day than yesterday!

I think we may have had a great day today! Only 3 time-outs all day. Of course, there are several ways in which today was better than yesterday.
1) We got all of the sleep we needed! Including a 3 hour nap.
2) We played outside for close to 2 hours all together. There was a lot less excess energy for him to burn.
3) It wasn't nearly as hot as it has been, or at least, it didn't feel like it.

I think my son is a child who needs structure and routine. I, however am feeling very ill equiped to give it to him. He has had roughly the same schedule since he was about 3 mos old and started sleeping all through the night. We get up around 9am, have breakfast and play. Naptime is at 2pm, or somewhere between 2 and 3 and he will sleep about two to three hours. I don't let him nap any later than 6pm. Then it's up, dinner, bathtime, play and in bed around 10pm. I know that's pretty late for a kid, but it's always worked for us, especially since I worked afternoons and evenings. Before we moved I could put him down for his nap before I left for work and then I would give him his bath and put him to bed when I got home. That doesn't seem like it's going to be working too well for us now. I will be needing to take him to one of his grandparents on my way to work, or possibly daycare right at naptime. I'm not sure how to come up with a routine that I can stick to, so that his life will be better.

The truth is that his routine works really well for me too, being the night owl that I am. Even if I go to bed at 1am, he will still sleep until 9am, which means I still get my 8 hours. And nap time and after bed time are when I get the things done that I need to do. Those times will become even more sacred when I start school in August. I still haven't figured out how single mom's do it, and I'm not even really a single mom with all of the help that I have. I don't think I can even put myself in league with those wonder-women who manage to do everything by themselves. Honestly, I feel right now like I have no hope for getting there.

So, single mom's of this world, how do you do it? How do you take care of your children and yourselves and not loose your minds? Please let me know!

Laura K.

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